
babylauch Pro

"On ne meurt d'amour qu'au cinéma."

Favorite films

  • The Gleaners and I
  • Entranced Earth
  • East of War
  • Elephant

Recent activity

  • In a Year with 13 Moons


  • Crust


  • Shut Up And Suffer

Recent reviews

  • Unwanted Kinship

    Unwanted Kinship

    After reading hundreds of eyewitness accounts, Pavel investigates russian crimes against humanity in Ukraine and finds visual interpretations for the attrocities of the occupiers. By doing so, he creates a language for the unspeakable on the one hand and dissects the codes of the enemy on the other – codes that he, as a Belarussian, has to admit he is painfully familiar with. Following HANDBOOK which was shot completely in his flat, Pavel now takes the building, the streets, the playgrounds of his neighborhood in Berlin to create powerful images of that which cannot and should not be seen, but should be known by all.

  • Green Border

    Green Border


    Philosopher Richard Rorty used to say that descriptions of human pain and suffering – in literature, theater, film – tend to work better in forming solidarity than rational arguments for universal rights and justice.

    I'm still floored, in a lack of words, after watching Agnieszka Holland's new film this weekend at the festival “Around the World in 14 Films.” I couldn't remember when was the last time a film left me crying and gasping for air in the cinema. The…

Popular reviews

  • Don't Call Me Son

    Don't Call Me Son


    Em discurso antes da estreia de seu novo longa na Berlinale, Anna Muylaert confessou que hesitava em enviar o filme ao festival com receio de que ele não tivesse uma recepção tão boa quanto “Que horas ela volta?”, vencedor do Prêmio do Público no ano anterior. Ela tinha o medo - compreensível - de que seria ofuscada pela própria sombra. Eventualmente, porém, Anna conciliou-se com essa questão, ao descobrir que não pretendia fazer filmes para ganhar prêmios. Seu desejo, na…

  • Elfriede Jelinek: Language Unleashed

    Elfriede Jelinek: Language Unleashed


    I find it disappointing that an author so radical and inventive as Jelinek could have her story told in a documentary with such… conventional language.

    The slow, horizontal travelling shots of Austrian cultural institutions and landscapes accompanied by voice-over excerpts from interviews or readings of her work get very tiresome, very quickly. On top of that, Jelinek’s text is so rich and complex in structure that it makes it hard for us viewers to assimilate both layers simultaneously, often rendering the…
