would rewatch
all the girls were sooo fine
ok i’m sorry i know i wished i liked it more but really only the last 10 mins got me
i didn’t expect to see john legend trying to play whatever jazz fusion thing that was
colors were so vibrant and fitting and music was good duh
that photoshoot with the piano with the red accidental keys oh my god
also hearing a glimpse of us in that scene was a lot
i don’t the hype i think this movie type was not for me
i wanted to feel the feelings that i was supposed to feel but i jus didn’t
also felix sophia and i fell asleep sooo
edit: i finished it and the scene where they were kids is super cute
ill change my rating from 2.5 to 3.5
holy crap why was this so good
i think i got over my #hatesydneysweeny+glenpowellduo phase bc woah would it be bad to say #2 movie of 2024