
gordallott Patron

Favorite films

  • Spirited Away

Recent activity

  • Kid with the Golden Arm


  • Invincible Shaolin


  • Gamera 2: Attack of Legion


  • Five Superfighters


Recent reviews

  • Kid with the Golden Arm

    Kid with the Golden Arm


    Following on from Invincible Shaolin - - from the same director - - in the shawscope arrow video boxset, this is a much more entertaining romp through tired old shaw brothers sets and stories.

    The story is next to pointless, the action is hacknied, slow, and edited with all the explosiveness as waiting for the next bus. But it's comfortable and oozing in shaw brothers style that influenced a generation.

  • Invincible Shaolin

    Invincible Shaolin


    In this movie everyone wants vengeance against everyone else and really it's just a framing device for shirtless training sequences.

    The cynic in me wants to point out how cheap all of this is, there's about three sets total, and they never leave the shaw brothers sets, I doubt the script cost much...

    But also there's a good amount of talent on display, I just wish it was in service of something less derivative, something worth paying attention to.

Popular reviews

  • Resident Evil 4D Executer

    Resident Evil 4D Executer


    I will apparently consume literally anything related to resident evil

  • Gamera 2: Attack of Legion

    Gamera 2: Attack of Legion


    This does a lot of things right, some just to my personal taste, but unless you're only here for monster on monster action it's hard to argue with the decion making. Though, when the monsters are fighting it's raw and kinda brutal.

    Usually the monsters are akin to a natural disaster, an event to be handled. But Legion is an invasion, and one humanity is quickly losing. Honestly just a lot scarier than the normal affair.

    Add on to that some really nice model work that encorporates live well and you got a great recipe for a movie.