

[email protected]
▶️ Verified Horror YouTuber 
✍️ Writer for TheHorrorRevolution.com
🖥️ Ran Horror-Fanatics.com in the 2000s

Favorite films

  • Dawn of the Dead
  • Batman
  • Gutterballs
  • The Shed

Recent activity

  • The Monkey


  • Wolf Man


  • Nosferatu


  • Beetlejuice Beetlejuice


Recent reviews

  • The Monkey

    The Monkey


    I haven’t laughed this hard since Shaun of the Dead 🙊

  • Wolf Man

    Wolf Man


    It’s okay. To be honest this new Wolf Man made me appreciate the 2010 remake more.

Popular reviews

  • Mind Body Spirit

    Mind Body Spirit


    (A video version of this review is currently in the works)

    We often look to the internet for answers. Especially for life’s hardest questions. Some of the most trustworthy answers we can get come from influencers. If you search the far corners of the internet, you can find the brand that speaks to you. Social media is filled with influencers of varying types. Gamers, collectors, movie hosts, actors, tarot card readers, politicians, bitcoin miners etc. If you dig deep enough…

  • Saw



    We took our son to the Saw Unrated 20th Anniversary screening. The intro was a nice heartwarming “thank you” to the fans. 💜 

    Saw still holds up to this day and is even more incredible to watch on the big screen. Such an iconic start to a highly entertaining film series.