“Is Penelope here?”
“Yes, she is”
Cut to a mid shot of cleavage in centre frame
(This film has 11 Producers and 20 Exec Producers)
“Is Penelope here?”
“Yes, she is”
Cut to a mid shot of cleavage in centre frame
(This film has 11 Producers and 20 Exec Producers)
This has brought tears to my eyes. Cinema has peaked for me. This is my Black Panther. I was born to see this movie and it was made specifically for me. This cured all my illnesses and underlying conditions. This film can fix world hunger and solve all conflicts. I’ve embraced this film how I’ll embrace my first born child. I no longer have a desire to see any more films, for none shall compare.
The King and the cast didn’t even memorise the script??? Big L for whoever directed this one
Don’t know what everyone’s on about this movie ain’t scary at all