

Favorite films

  • Buffalo '66
  • Fallen Angels
  • The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
  • Parasite

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  • Stalker


  • Maria


  • A Complete Unknown


  • La La Land


Recent reviews

  • Stalker



    i think this is my third and also final attempt to watch it all the way until the end. i was really fighting myself when not skipping some parts or not watching the whole thing at 2x speed.

    like i'm sorry but i just caaaan't keep my attention for so long, it's too slow. when watching the first half i was thinking whether i don't like this movie alone or if i just don't like sci-fi in general, then for…

  • Maria



    this is the kind of biopic i like. i never really liked opera nevertheless i definitely understand the passion someone has for an art form even when i don't understand the form of art itself. This is the kind of biopic that truly honours the person it's about. Although i'm not sure how much of it is fiction and how much is what really happened, because i don't know much about Maria.

    i'm also happy for angelina and that she got to show her amazing acting skills in this role.

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    Rebel with a Bow Tie


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  • Smile at Last

    Smile at Last


    TOHUTULT SÜDAMLIK film nii meeldejäävate tegelastega, nii hea näide tegelt sellest, kuidas tõeliselt hea film ei jää vanaks. tegelt käsitletakse ju laiemas mõttes nii õigeid coming-of-age teemasid, mitte ainult selle ajastu spetsiifilist ja kadunud probleemi. väga meeldis ka terve see vabam lähenemine asjale, et tõesti mõjub nii ehedana, isegi kui vahel veidi kohmakas
