‘obviously you’re not a golfer.’
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
For the life of me I will never understand why Stephen King thinks ‘The Shining’ is a bad adaptation of his book.
It’s literally the only watchable King movie.
Children of the corn is no exception.
The plot of this movie is as half baked as an eighth grader off of a pre roll.
As opposed to actually focusing on the creepy kid cult that drinks each other’s blood, the story INSISTS we follow the plot of an incessant and…
Ladies, if you’re ever with a man and he says something along the lines of “I’m literally Travis bickle” or “I’m literally the guy from taxi driver”
Because the man they are talking about, the main character of this movie, IS A FUCKEN WEIRDO
Whenever I sit down to watch a film such as fight club, American psycho, nightcrawler, and other “I’m literally him” films, I can agree with or at the very least I can…