

Favorite films

  • F for Fake
  • Memories of Murder
  • Shin Godzilla
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion

Recent activity

  • Lost Highway

  • Inside Llewyn Davis

  • The Kid

  • Uncut Gems

Recent reviews

  • Memories of Murder

    Memories of Murder


    Sometimes, it seems as if life were toying with you, or worse, against you. Then, you stop thinking about it as a mere thought and move on to believe that is certainly toying against you in an objective way. The truth is that often even when you do all that's in your hands to achieve something, there isn't any progress, there isn't any solution, and therefore, there won't be any success. Neither is your fault nor others, it only happened…

  • Troll 2

    Troll 2

    I think my brain isn't ready to assimilate what I've just watched

Popular reviews

  • The Wicker Man

    The Wicker Man


    Quite possibly the most interesting and unusual horror film ever made, at least in Europe.

    The combination of suspense and mystery with the horror that resides in the final minutes of the movie, alongside the uneasy atmosphere that surrounds Summerisle, makes this film one of the best examples of creativity and intelligent writing, planning and direction in the history of cinema. This is a movie that speaks about the absurdity of faith on a creepy and subtle way.

    Both Christopher Lee and Edward Woodward gives us stellar performances.

  • Hot Fuzz

    Hot Fuzz


    Una película que nace desde el amor por las películas de acción, inundada de referencias, y de un conocimiento sobre la comedia excelso. El guión es fabuloso, es un gag constante, inteligente y potente. Edgar Wright -junto a un sobrado Simon Pegg- ha dirigido una de las mejores películas de acción, comedia y parodia de todos los tiempos.