

Favorite films

  • The Shining
  • Interstellar
  • Memories of Murder
  • Naked Lunch

Recent activity

  • Clash of the Titans

  • Crumb


  • Iron Man


  • Princess Mononoke


Recent reviews

  • Clash of the Titans

    Clash of the Titans

    This is one of those movies, you think maybe has a chance at being better than you remember, even in a campy ironic sort of way.

    …Its not.

    This was on in the background of my in-laws, so not sure if it’s completely fair to log, but I’m going to do it anyway. No one can stop me.

  • Crumb



    Guys, documentaries suck now! It’s been easy to see this for a while with how formulaic and exploitive most of them are, but this all becomes so much more apparent when viewing an actually good one. Seriously, there are already 10+ documentaries on the P Diddy scandal, all of which I’m sure bring nothing new to the table. That or they barely interview actual journalists by instead interviewing YouTube essayists or TikTok drama channels, all of whom contribute nothing of…

Popular reviews

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    Does anyone else get a jump scare anytime that voice comes out of Robert Pattinson’s mouth? 

    In his first film since the ever iconic Parasite, Bong Joon-Ho delivers a much more different experience with his latest movie. Providing an absurdist comedy with the absurdism dialed up to an eleven, Mickey 17 is an often funny and frantic adventures with some great over-the-top performances from Ruffalo, Collette, and Yeun. Of course the star of the show is Pattinson who takes a…

  • Emilia Pérez

    Emilia Pérez


    Oscar bait at its absolute worst! It’s a musical without a single memorable music number. It’s not just unmemorable either, all of the songs are outright bad and there is 0 spectacle to the visuals. The plot is incredibly messy; coming across as very inauthentic. Cinematography is so underwhelming and borderline amateur at times. The only positives to give this film is that there are some really good performances from Saldana and Gascon. Who even knows what Salena Gomez is…
