Sam Hearne

Sam Hearne Pro

Favorite films

  • Moonlight
  • Children of Men
  • Alien
  • Hellraiser

Recent activity

  • The Fabelmans

  • The Beast

  • Prime Cut

  • Hit Man

Recent reviews

  • Avatar: The Way of Water

    Avatar: The Way of Water


    Given the heart on it’s sleeve, vibrant aesthetics of this film it was a strangely empty experience for me. I never really felt Pandora and most of it’s creature were tangible or believable (I have this problem often with CGI heavy films). I think it’s something about the way that the Navi’s visually express emotion, but I couldn’t really connect with them. I don’t think it helps that many of the films character motivations felt lacking in depth or lacking…

  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

    The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring


    Watched in three parts, one per day. Appreciated the sense of place and little detail so much more this way. The set and art design are still extremely engaging and at times stunning. I’ve seen this film many times but this time round, I felt a saw a film that was more interested in the world of middle earth and it’s people (seemingly matching with the intentions of Tolkien) rather than, for me at least, the beat by beat storyline and…

  • Warlock



    The kind of trash I can vibe with. I don’t know what the fuck Jerry Goldsmith was doing composing a soundtrack to this schlock, but I was loving it!

  • G.I. Jane

    G.I. Jane


    How Ridley Scott went from Alien and Thelma And Louise to this jingoistic, faux feminist, casually homophobic and transphobic business I’ll never know.
