
Guga_ Pro

"Once you overcome the one inch tall barrier of subtitles, you will be introduced to so many more amazing films"

Favorite films

  • House
  • Sunny
  • You Are the Apple of My Eye
  • It's a Summer Film!

Recent activity

  • Pan's Labyrinth


  • Schramm


  • Serenade for HINA


  • The Time to Live and the Time to Die


Pinned reviews

  • Crow's Blood

    Crow's Blood


    Crow’s Blood may rely too much on stablished folklore imagery as it plays around with vampires, zombies, ghosts and all sorts of horror tales. But in the end is a mix that fits well together and opens up interesting discussions about medical ethics while also having a strong anti-eugenic speech, a bold subject specially in Japan that unfortunately has a history with ethnical cleansing. Is not even close to being a master piece but the compelling themes makes up for…

  • Girls Drive

    Girls Drive


    Girls Drive as a cinematic experience is mediocre at best with bland visuals and expositive dialogues, a product with zero effort to even try something new. Is a fairly fun comedy that it may be too much sometimes but that’s the goal. For AKB fans is an always recommended overdose of their favorite idols.

    The full review can be read at DoTheDance Fanzine (pg 13-14):

Recent reviews

  • Tales of the Undeparted

    Tales of the Undeparted


    Tales of the Undeparted is an uninspired project with no clear direction. As the biggest appeal is basically having AKB48 members, fans of the group seem to be the only target audience. It may be an interesting curiosity to j-horror fans but ultimately it has more capacity to make one bored than scared.

    Full review can be read at DoTheDance Fanzine (pgs 38-39)

  • Terrifier



    The most generic gore movie ever.

Popular reviews

  • Kisaragi Station

    Kisaragi Station


    The plot twist is the only thing that save this subpar production of being a complete disaster.

  • And So We Put Goldfish in the Pool.

    And So We Put Goldfish in the Pool.


    Um ensaio sobre existencialismo, escapismo e o niilismo que incide sobre a juventude, principalmente sobre aqueles que se veem presos a um destino inalterável. É um estudo sobre uma geração feito com sensibilidade excepcional.