
guwo Pro

movies aren’t really my thing

Favorite films

  • Kajillionaire
  • Mystery, Alaska
  • Ever After
  • Across the Universe

Recent activity

  • The Accountant


  • Local Hero


  • Mystery, Alaska


  • Mamma Mia!


Recent reviews

  • The Accountant

    The Accountant


    my gender informs my rating. did not need to take 2 hours for two brothers to decide they should hang out

  • Local Hero

    Local Hero


    store brand Dustin Hoffman in Scotland decides that the aurora borealis really does matter more than fracking. good for people like me and Rebecca who have an unhealthy attachment to Mystery, Alaska. I liked that this movie didn’t really have a point. my favorite part was when he came home and dumped out the shells on his counter top

Popular reviews

  • Challengers



    I hated being the tennis ball and I did not like the ending. Everything else was perfect. Lots of lululemon if that’s your thing. I was really put off by the cover art(?) for this movie because it reminded me a lot of the gta5 soundtrack album art. Can’t believe not one of you said oh let me tell Giulia this movie is shot in her birthplace of White Plains, New York. The feeling of going to sleep knowing there is now cinema representation of being on tinder in New Rochelle is indescribable

  • Begin Again

    Begin Again


    this is the kind of movie that can only come into existence at the peak of the Kings of Leon genreverse that was the early 2010s. whole cast wardrobe decked out in archetypal Anthropologie, iPhone 4 with the top aux cord plug, unnecessary hats. observations aside, what is the moral of the story? Adam Levine is so unattractive to me. peace