Ryza Wood

Ryza Wood

Favorite films

  • The Suicide Squad
  • The Batman
  • Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio
  • Rango

Recent activity

  • Black Panther


  • Thor: Ragnarok


  • Spider-Man: Homecoming


  • Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2


Recent reviews

  • Black Panther

    Black Panther


    "What are those" was an annoying ass meme when it was relevant, it sure as hell wasn't funny past 2016. Killmonger was compelling af though, one of the best MCU villains.

  • Thor: Ragnarok

    Thor: Ragnarok


    Really fun, I like Thor he's got like lightning powers and Hela cause she kinda has sword powers. Also I get this really weird feeling in my penis when I look at her, it starts getting like stiffer. Is this like a normal thing or should I seek some sort of medical treatment? I'm really worried.

Popular reviews

  • Finding Jesus

    Finding Jesus


    These fish def say homophobic slurs off screen.

  • Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

    Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance


    The first movie was way more badass. This one's writer has like a little bit of sex, while that movie's writer was a sex machine. I feel like you need to touch a bit more pussy to be a qualified Ghost Rider writer.
