and here’s to the fools who dream…
film student
First screening of the film in Brazil, São Paulo, Mostra Internacional de Cinema.
What a beautiful and powerful moment to be present at. Watching this piece was a true testament of the power we have to be able to tell stories, especially stories like this, and we often choose not to. I know that the people need more incentive to be attending the movies for more national projects, and what better way to do that with films that makes us…
As a strong believer that dialogue is essential for character growth and development, I am happy to say that Sean and Mikey build a character with no need of that here. I dont mean that in a way of it being shallow or it lacks that aspect, the writing and Mikey’s performance are the driving force of this part of the film and really what gives the film a soul. Great performances all around, I laughed so hard but when I needed to feel something and see where Ani was going, they gave me that.