Dimitreus Newell

Dimitreus Newell

Love movies, watch movies(especially horror and A24 movies)

Favorite films

  • Friday
  • Tenet
  • Interstellar
  • Aftersun

Recent activity

  • The Order


  • Awakenings


  • One of Them Days


  • Heart Eyes


Recent reviews

  • The Order

    The Order


    I enjoyed this quite a bit. Great performance by Jude Law, and I felt like this was a pretty engaging true crime thriller through most of the duration of the film. Had some dips, but it was great! Liked the score too.

  • Awakenings



    I honestly never heard of this movie before watching it on Netflix today, and I gotta say its pretty good! I loved the music, and Robin Williams always excels and portraying really deep and emotional characters. Great stuff

Popular reviews

  • Companion



    Performances. Great.
    Nothing really new on the “robot take over” stuff.
    Surprisingly funny moments throughout.
    Fun watch overall, but I think it may have been overhyped and the trailers give away far too much. There are also some interesting nuance for modern audiences.

  • Abigail



    Not gonna lie! I had a fuckin blast with this movie!


    This felt like the perfect casting, I had so much fun with each of the characters and Abigail herself was a such a treat to watch! I don’t even want to talk about much of it but it’s well worth the watch imo