‮حبيب الأمين‬

‮حبيب الأمين‬

Favorite films

  • The Man from Earth
  • The Lion King

Recent activity

  • Twin Peaks


  • Rush Hour 2


  • Ratatouille


  • Wicked City


Recent reviews

  • Twin Peaks

    Twin Peaks


    I watched this with my brother’s friend group.

    I’d been mentioning how this was the second most highly rated movie in my watchlist and suggested it a few times, thinking it was a sincere highly acclaimed (based on Letterboxd rating) murder mystery. Apparently I’d recommended it even quite some time back.

    We finally watched it after delaying it 3 days in a row. None of us got it.

    In related news, my recommendation privileges have been curtailed and all my recommendations must now go through review with the rest of the group.

  • Rush Hour 2

    Rush Hour 2


    Huh, I had this rating drafted and I apparently watched this 22 January. I think we started watching the night before, so maybe late 21 January, then finished it in the early hours of the 22nd.

Popular reviews
