lost in the wonderful fear
Howard's ThinkTank
A collection of films that produce chemicals for my dumb animal brain (based on reviewed films and in no particular…
Cirque de Freak
come one come all
September 2021 Ranked List
Truly fortuitous
So Bad It's Good
A collection of all of my favorite shit films that remind us all that anyone, anyone, can make a movie.
November 2022 Ranked
probably a down month, we'll see (in fact, it was)
FilmOWeen 2022
Cabinet of Curiosities
Get outta there!
September 2022 Ranked
the lists go on and on and on
August 2022 Ranked List
Amazon Prime is a powerful thing (now that HBOmax will not get my streaming dollars)
The House of Sin
Where anyone can be someone, and where nobody really matters