Just watched the director’s cut for the first time and honestly could do without most of the additions
Did loovvveee the inclusion The Philosophy of Time Travel texts though
Still one of my all time favorite movies god I love it so much
Just watched the director’s cut for the first time and honestly could do without most of the additions
Did loovvveee the inclusion The Philosophy of Time Travel texts though
Still one of my all time favorite movies god I love it so much
A fresh take on Godzilla’s origins, and just like, a really great movie even for the non-godzilla fanatic. One of the only times I’ve actually cared about the people in a Godzilla movie. I held off half a star because a true five star Godzilla movie for me has to have a monster on monster fight scene. Or be Shin Godzilla. But this is without a doubt exceptional.
Like yeah it was dumb and cheesy but what else would you expect????? I enjoyed it! Good brain rot movie that was fun to look at