Please don't take me seriously, I'm just trying to document every aspect of my life and movies are a big part of it
feels icky to be glorifying Walt in those two moments and i know Disney preys on nostalgia and they’re a capitalist monster, but…… one of my mom’s many scrapbooks there’s this picture of little-girl-me at Magic Kingdom gazing at this huge mural of all the Disney characters and i just couldn’t help but think of her and how much she would have loved to watch this and then i remembered i am her and i sobbed the entire six minutes of this stupid short and am sobbing as i write this stupid review.
me: all i want is an unproblematic, fluffy sapphic story where no one dies or encounters violent homophobia.
also me: okay so you want a wlw Doukyusei?
me: i mean, ya.
Morning Glory and Kase-san: u up?
yeah, idk if this could’ve been any further up my alley.....and if you tell me these girls weren’t based off of yachi and kiyoko?? you’re fckin lying.