03/20/2025 | home
someone needs to dr phil his ass holy shit.
wack ass movie.
i too would tweak if prime reese witherspoon didn’t want me
03/18/2025 | home | with micah
is it too insensitive to say full circle moment?..
i wish i had more to say for this film, but i think micah saying “tough” 9 times throughout the duration of this movie is enough to explain it for me.
thinking about planting a peach tree in my next house. for safety purposes of course.
03/13/2025 | home
Ricky gets a new dog for his bday:
“What are you gonna name him?”
“Psycho, megatron or Tupac”
“What’s a Tupac?”
5 minutes later….
Dog & Ricky are playing fetch
Pup runs away
“Where are you going Tupac?!”
loved this movie. convinced taika waititi cannot make a bad film.
03/11/2025 | celebration | with micah
17: sunshine, dandelions, & the occasional vanilla sex
18: thunderstorms, roses but with thorns, & an occasional threesome connoisseur (only while on oxy tho)
i like those lil creeper things. are those only available in space or could i get my hands on one here in michigan? i want to adopt at least 17