Kevin, uh, Skywalker, yeah

Kevin, uh, Skywalker, yeah

Under 3 = not good
Under 2 = real bad
+/- = accounting for taste

Favorite films

  • Punch-Drunk Love
  • Greener Grass
  • Halloween
  • Star Wars

Recent activity

  • Skin Deep: The Battle Over Morgellons

  • Autumn Road


  • Skinamarink

  • Smile


Recent reviews

  • Skin Deep: The Battle Over Morgellons

    Skin Deep: The Battle Over Morgellons

    I don't think this movie exists

  • Autumn Road

    Autumn Road


    I enjoy DIYs, but there's very little about AUTUMN ROAD that doesn't feel jumbled. It's like Cusick was more excited to make it than he was to make it good. Credit where it's due, at least he doesn't lean on jump scares and clichés, but more than anything, it feels like a wasted opportunity. +1/2

Popular reviews

  • A Quiet Place

    A Quiet Place


    While A QUIET PLACE is one of the more preposterous conceits Hollywood has pushed on us in recent history, I have to admit it's pretty watchable, thanks in no small part to it's 90 minute runtime. As goofy and nonsensical as everything is, the cast plays it so straight that I was able to buy in. It also earns good will by not trying to explain things, which is by far it's smartest choice.

    Ultimately, it's best feature is how fun it is to mock. Between the premise and its holes, the marriage of its stars and their past roles, it's almost too easy. +1/2

  • Tenet



    Pull quote: "... a uniquely masturbatory experience."

    Maybe I slept through the part that brings TENET all together, making it a modern masterpiece, but in my defense, how could I not? Much like INCEPTION, Nolan prioritizes his "brilliant" concept over trivial things like story and character.

    For maybe an hour, Nolan's absolute confidence in his own skill is amusing, and some of the action is pretty cool. Once the "twist" arrives, however, much of what remains becomes so clear that,…