

Just a humble nerd with a love of film.

Favorite films

  • Jaws
  • Goldfinger
  • The Italian Job
  • Battle of Britain

Recent activity

  • Herbie Fully Loaded


  • The Toxic Avenger


  • The Matrix Revolutions


  • The Matrix Reloaded


Recent reviews

  • Herbie Fully Loaded

    Herbie Fully Loaded


    It’s kinda hard to hate Herbie. While not as good as the first three films from the 1970’s, this is still a cute, fun movie for the whole family to enjoy.

    Michael Keaton and Lindsay Lohan have a great chemistry, and the final race is still a blast.

  • The Toxic Avenger

    The Toxic Avenger


    A movie that is so offensive and vile, packed to the brim with gore, sex and strong language, yet one I absolutely adore watching for its likeable protagonist Melvin, and how he triumphs against those who wronged them. 

    If you have a strong stomach  and are thick skinned, then I absolutely recommend this one and Citizen Toxie. They push black humour to its limit. 

    Lloyd Kaufmann is a legend!

Popular reviews

  • Cans Without Labels

    Cans Without Labels


    Dunno what's worse, the film looking unfinished and released solely to divert attention away from the messed up fact the creator of this short is a elitist creep , or the fact some poor sod paid John K $10,000 to animate his arse. And knowing John Kricfalusi is a pedophile, this makes me uncomfortable.

    Ren and Stimpy was a great show, but th John K is a true scumbag, and the worst person in the entire animation business. Fuck John…

  • Pib and Pog

    Pib and Pog


    What's that Pib? You can't breathe? Oh, you are a silly billy, aren't you!
