emotionally unstable fan of tv shows and movies
im also heavily obsessed with john wick.
nie spodziewalam sie ze bede plakac na jakimkolwiek filmie z uniwersum john wicka yet here we are i z przykroscia musze oswiadczyc ze to najgorsza (moim zdaniem) część ze wszystkich czterech, po zakonczeniu parabellum mialam nadzieje na cos lepszego
im a big fan of whatever this is daje 4 gwiazdki bo w polowie zaczelam grac w blockblasta, ale ogl zajebiste i get the hype
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
pussy was clenching throughout the whole movie no lie i couldnt handle keanu and halle on the same screen at the same time. the funniest thing was winston chilling on sofa while listening to classical music, while my two favorite bitches were playing real life csgo because what the actual fuck was that lmao. and most satisfying thing here is my jonathan beating shit out of ts japanese bald guy, lil bro thought he had any chances to win that fight LOL. but unjokingly this movie had so many small details i needed chat gpt to explain shit to me. real masterpiece.