Beyond Re-Animator

Beyond Re-Animator

Mmmmm, a noticeably Spanish x American produced 2003 sequel to a 1990 sequel to a 1985 classic!!! Blessed to have a 3rd sequel at all, let alone one 13 years later that still has Jeffrey Combs aaand Brian Yuzna on board.

Premise is great, hella solid execution, I like how the story takes place the exact amount of years later, as if Dr. West has truly been locked away for that long lol and the intro was pretty cool.

It looks like a shitty lowbudget 2000s movie because it is one... But that doesn't stop it from being great anyway!! Noticeable step down from the first 2, but hey, it's an excuse to spend more time with Jeffery Combs as Herbert West, so I really can't complain too much!!!

According to wiki, it wasn't actually made for TV, but the fact that it premiered to the world on the Sci-Fi channel is comforting and brings me back to watching Beyond Belief Fact or Fiction....

Fun 3rd entry in a beloved franchise. The world didn't need it, and really only diehards need apply, but I'm stoked we have it... Hell, I own the Vestron blu ray aaand the glow in the dark Arrow release.

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