Child's Play 3

Child's Play 3

Okay, I can understand why it doesn't get as much love as some of the other entries, but I still have a soft spot for this one... Firstly, it brings me back to childhood, but also it forever and always has and will remind me of Major Payne lol plus, Chucky has some great lines and whole Devil's Lair chunk rules!!!!

I would for sure rank them 1 > 2 > 3. Something about it being a different actor playing Andy, and then the whole military school drill sargent vibe shit is kind of a drag at points, but I still genuinely think it is a great sequel.

These first 3 are kind of like the Paramount 8 of Friday the 13 films, in that they are the purest form of the series. Hell, the rest aren't even really Child's Play films, they're Chucky films!!! 🤪🙈🙉🙊😅 Wicked hype for this next batch of 4ks!!!

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