Pluto Gash’s review published on Letterboxd:
Right away I felt hmmm this would pair nicely with Reanimator, gives me a similar feel in a cozy, retro, mad scientist kind of way.
Kevin Dornwinkle has assembled a room full of the worlds greatest minds. He's going to prove to them, by injecting himself instead of the lab animal, that he has figured out how to turn humans invisible!!!!
When it doesn't work, they laugh him into a violent fit and he kills a couple of them. He gets out of the death sentence by insanity and goes to psychward.
He escapes, and 2 weeks later finds himself teaching physics at a highschool under the name Kevin Smith!!! Apparently their old teacher choked to death on a
Then it starts getting sleazy, a whole class full of obnoxious horned up highschool students who decide they're going to mess with Mr.Smith for fun. And at the same time, Mr.Smith finally manages to get to the recipe right.
Lots of serum injecting and a man obsessed with breaking past socially acceptable scientific talk and into territory most believe to be only fantasy.
I don't want to spoil anything past the first 20min, so I won't go on. But I thought it was great!!! Plenty of nudity, awesome concept, shot well, acted well, memorable scenes and a memorable bad guy!!!
The Invisible Maniac had a strong start, a great middle and a fantastic final few minutes!!!
I'll have to rewatch it a few times across a substantial amount of time to see if it lives up to the hype or if I'm just high on lenticular slipcover right now, but I think The Invisible Maniac might be a new classic in my book!!!
(Curious if the letterboxd score shoots up or not now that it has such a great transfer and more people will actually see it!!! Because letterboxd stats for it are only 809 members, 171 reviews and 853 lists at the time that I type this.)