Movies! Love them!
Thriller Thursday Co-Chair | Freak-o Movie Enjoyer | Obsessive List Maker
A fascinating bombastic movie made for those people on social media who comment on crime stories that the alleged perp should be immediately, publicly broken on the wheel. Willem Dafoe adds a full star to any movie though.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Why the fuck do you like this movie?
I was genuinely shocked watching this one, knowing it is a well beloved cultural touchstone. I’m not referring to some things which read today as wildly unacceptable, such as Tom Cruise’s usage of what is now firmly considered a slur against the disabled, and I’m not going to go into the kiss scene. I know, different time. What I hated so much about this movie is that it depicts a series of…
This movie is best summarized as a friend who you know is right but is being a huge asshole about it.
My consideration of the movie definitely improved upon thought and contemplation of the movie’s core themes, and is all and all an impressive script, plus a lot of genuine laughs. The film manages an incredible square-the-circle moment with death of the author, with others having commented on its themes of storytelling and, ultimately, isolation (I’m not sure if it…