Haydenfilms Institute
Nonprofit Organization
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HFI Unwrapped- July ‘23

Since everything is Barbie, we decided to be Barbie too this month. To fit the times, and to also feel a sense of nostalgia to our younger days.

Recent reviews

rom-com season rom-com season rom-com s-

Mean Girls

Mean Girls


i think if i had to pick between another hour of angourie rice's voice or milo manheim's voice in the first zombies film.... i would chose milo's, and that's A LOT coming from me

seeing drake after all these years and knowing what happened to him... just gives me an upset stomach watching this...

drake bell's dad made me tear up on a tuesday afternoon

Liked reviews

Highly recommend, as we grew up watching these shows from a distance it’s an important feeling of discomfort to know about the abusive behavior that went on behind the scenes, but also that it could have happened to any one of us. As we continue to see the curtain pulled back on systems of power in Hollywood, it will always be timely to talk about how often kids, the most powerless of us, are left unprotected. Really sad stuff.

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🕯️  Zack Efron Oscar Nominee  🕯️

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I’ll be real, I’ve watched so many hallmark movies in the last few days they no longer register as individual entities. I’m just trying to log whatever ones I remember.

why was his name bink binkerson