
Hebi_Hakase Pro

Ghibli pfp gang member.

Favorite films

  • The Godfather Part II
  • Prisoners
  • Castle in the Sky
  • Eraserhead

Recent activity

  • An Elephant Sitting Still


  • Okja

  • Late Spring

  • Moonstruck


Recent reviews

  • Loving Vincent

    Loving Vincent



  • M



    I know this was the 1930s and all but the amount of smoking that happens in this movie borders on parody.

Popular reviews

  • Castle in the Sky

    Castle in the Sky


    Watched it again and yep, it's still perfect.

    There are endless things to gush about: the flawless animation, the immaculate score, the art style, aesthetic, and direction resulting in iconic shot after iconic shot, the impeccable pacing, the masterful ways details about the world are divulged in completely unobtrusive ways straight from the opening scene, the unbridled feeling of adventure from start to finish, the earnestness of Pazu and Sheeta's relationship, the ways in which the core themes are resolved…

  • Shin Kamen Rider

    Shin Kamen Rider


    Didn't like this one as much as Godzilla and Ultraman. There were a few good fight sequences but most of them were so poorly edited and lit that it was barely possible to tell what was going on.