A veces hago mis reviews en inglés para practicar mi redacción.
A veces soy un pesado, a veces no.
The coolest and most perverted film I've seen in my life, told by the lens of a weird beautiful yet haunting daydream.
Also, one of the greatest about love against evilness, And being on the limit of those.
Why is there so much trouble in this world?
A disaster where incompetence clings to compile inconsistencies into a nonsensical plot, while suspense, laughs, and creativity are non-existent in its dull, almost two-hour running time.
This movie has a ridiculous script, flat performances, and atrocious execution. The only ambition is to add video game lore to keep the fans entertained in a sort of “guess who” game, where the animatronics (the only thing well accomplished), come out of the shadows to present a show of dull and unstylish deaths,…
Real Cgi monkey with impostor syndrome that happens to be super star Robbie Williams.
Rock Dj sequence might be my favorite musical number of all time…
Where’s tripping btw?