

Favorite films

  • Redline
  • Fargo
  • Super Mario Bros.
  • Nope

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  • Escape from New York

  • Hundreds of Beavers


  • My Little Pony: The Movie


  • Sting

Recent reviews

  • Boy Kills World

    Boy Kills World


    This film is the definition of 'trying too hard to say nothing at all' to me. It understands the language and signifiers of the absurd, violent satire film but has no patience to actually construct anything to punch at. It's genuinely shocking how a movie with this much gruesome violence (so much that it's the only movie in ages that's made me feel ill to watch) has like zero bite to it at all.

  • My Little Pony: The Movie

    My Little Pony: The Movie


    i think twilight and tempest are kinda gay with it ngl

Popular reviews

  • Bartok the Magnificent

    Bartok the Magnificent

    I'd be willing to warrant that many, many, many more people online have seen a specific three-minutes-or-so of this film than have ever seen the entire thing. This tells you a lot about Don Bluth.

  • Zootopia



    Stories told with anthropomorphic characters will always be partly metaphorical. That's just what humans tend to do when we assign animals human roles in human stories. How a 'funny animal' story uses its animal characters as a metaphor, though, can vary.

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