What a fucking shit show, i love it!
Jesse, watch this asap, Senpai ❤️
I found myself somewhat disappointed by the film's heavy reliance on atmosphere over narrative substance. While it features some incredibly tense and gripping scenes, the sheer number of overlapping storylines often makes the plot feel unnecessarily convoluted. A more linear approach to storytelling could have greatly benefited the film, as the constant interruptions with flashbacks, especially in the beginning, disrupt its flow.
That said, the film undeniably showcases Anna Kendrick's talent as a director, proving her to be highly capable. Can’t wait for her next project.
How can you be so tone deaf when making a film about a real life tragedy!? How can you give the real life shooter a platform like this on which you promote his manifesto!? How can you just ignore the families of the victims who tell you to not make this film!? How can you put yourself into the center of attention in the end of the film!?
Nobody cares about your take on Hanau!!! Nobody cares about you and…
Wtf is going on with German cinema!? Are we getting good again!??