

Favorite films

  • The Shawshank Redemption
  • Interstellar
  • The Social Network
  • Margin Call

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  • Sicario


  • Tenet


  • Train to Busan


  • The Devil Wears Prada


Recent reviews

  • Tenet



    It’s remarkable what a rewatch with subtitles can do when a film is as poorly mixed as Tenet is. The dialogue mixing is so shit, it’s a wonder it’s not my biggest gripe about the film. 

    The ultimate disappointment of Tenet has for me always been the film’s seemingly dead pulse when compared to the rest of Nolan’s filmography. Inception, Interstellar, The Prestige; Nolan has always told stories that are, at their core, human. They’re draped in richly detailed and…

  • Train to Busan

    Train to Busan


    Really good fun.

    I've often noticed that Korean film/tv is some of the most melodramatic, depressing stuff out there. It's as if priority is given to making tears flow at any cost, even if the cost is foregoing any meaningful theme or message. I didn't expect to get anything out of zombie thriller Train to Busan, but to my surprise, but there WERE opportunities. There were moments that the film squandered or only half fulfilled, opting instead to display raw pain or despair that, without words, just end up feeling thin.

Popular reviews

  • Apocalypse Now

    Apocalypse Now


    Really drained after this one.

    I would imagine for many people the viewing experience of this film closely mirrors the experience of the characters onscreen. You sit down to watch, sober and awake, and can’t help but descend into almost morbid hysterics as the film mercilessly drags you along. You’re silent again by the end, watching the film’s final quarter play out in a trance. I know that’s how it was for me.

    This happens because the film has an…

  • Memento



    I finally got around to seeing this film! Seeing it after the rest of Nolan’s filmography added a cool meta-effect to the viewing. I was able to see glimpses of each of Nolan’s future films throughout. It made clear that Memento was a raw, unpolished attempt at the masterpieces that were to come.

    Memento has much of Tenet’s plot complexity, faint traces of Interstellar’s deeply emotional core, and a moderate amount of Inception’s character introspection. The latter two hold far more value to…
