

to de boa assistindo filmin
me deixa em paz

Favorite films

  • The Passion of Joan of Arc
  • The Metamorphosis of Birds
  • This Is Not a Burial, It’s a Resurrection
  • The Tale of The Princess Kaguya

Recent activity

  • Central Station


  • Sometimes I Think About Dying


  • I'm Still Here


  • Landscape Suicide


Recent reviews

  • Central Station

    Central Station


    fiquei o filme todo pensando "omg ta tudo amarelo :0 ", "ta tudo azul!", "ta tudo verde :3" sou uma pessoa facil de agradar msm pqp

    + fiquei emotiva quando a dora leu a carte e então quando ela escreveu tbm (principalmente por minha mãe se emocionar que ela (dora) e minha avó materna tinham a mesma caligrafia)

  • Sometimes I Think About Dying

    Sometimes I Think About Dying


    Existem muitas formas de querer morrer, inclusive deixando-se despedaçar, abandonando a si mesma.

Popular reviews

  • Superman: Red Son

    Superman: Red Son


    cringe af
    they obviously aimed at a movie of capitalist propaganda/anti-communism... but this is so trash made. the animation sucks. the message is so obvious and childish that it is at the same level of those charges “cellphone bad, book good” “so u critique society yet you live in one. i’m so smart!”
    ffs I hate this.

  • Amadeus



    Fanfic sobre um cara que é moggado por mozart