"What? You haven't seen _________???? Bro you have to see it it's so good! How have you never seen it?"
2023 Ranked
I guess this is the list as of the 31st. I will keep updating it, should probably stop updating after…
Need to watch for oscars
Noms are out. I will do some rewatches that will be in this list.
My top 100 movies I've seen.
kinda weird cause most of these aren't even 10s. Mega messy rankings, top 20ish is pretty well ordered but the…
Christopher Nolan ranking
Christopher Nolan’s feature length films ranked.
Movies missing : Following
blu-rays/DVDs I own
Stuff I have, in order of purchase.
Criterion Challenge 2023
My first ever Criterion Challenge. I will try to complete it in order of categories, but the main goal is…
PTA rank
This guy is pretty good.
He might be the greatest of his generation. And my definition of generation would be…
great looking movies
Films that look insanely good. top 10 is pretty well ranked but the rest is kind of a mess
Watching every Pixar
My friends tell me the incredibles is mid and cars is great while I say the inverse. Fuck it, I'm…
Scorsese Ranked
Without much surprise, I haven't seen his entire filmography, this list might not be complete until a couple of years…
Villeneuve Ranked
One of the few directors where I've seen most of their filmography, everything he made in the US, and none…