A lot about this movie took me by surprise. Always like seeing a trailer that entices but throws off its audience. A good ride with funny and powerfully driven characters and a strong ending.
"It is not so much the kind of person a man is as the kind of situation in which he finds himself that determines how he will act." - Stanley Milgram
As a huge fan of City of God, Elite Squad brutally matches its pace in the slums of 90s Rio. Offers much more commentary on a movie I was expecting just to be an action-packed cop movie.
"Everything's going to change...The positive notion of Pepe is the possibility that he can change again." -Matt Furie
Some jokes had my cracking up but most of them didn't land for me.
There is something about laid-back 90s comedies that hold a specific place in cinema that will never be replicated again, so I appreciate the movie's relevance. Adam Sandler drops this rating half a star.