Hennie Kriel

Hennie Kriel

Favorite films

  • A Simple Plan
  • The Mist
  • Tokyo Godfathers
  • Cloudburst

Recent activity

  • Mickey 17


  • Invasion of the Body Snatchers


  • Before the Devil Knows You're Dead


  • Jungle 2 Jungle


Recent reviews

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    4th cinema outing of the year.

    That almost-sex scene is now up there with the two in 1997's 'Bent' as my contender for weirdest sexy time. The most mindblowing bit is cult-y evangelicals leading this space trip.

    Entertaining blend of solid futuristic sci-fi and cartoonishly evil antagonists.

  • Invasion of the Body Snatchers

    Invasion of the Body Snatchers


    #Rewind100 (no. 23)
    Last Watched: Circa 1998

    Probably the first scifi movie I saw where things ended really bleak for humanity. The conclusion kept me up then and manages to leave me with dread now. The otherworldly scream aside, who the F thought of putting a humanfaced dog in this?

    The paranoia and distrust is unceasingly ramped up as the plot moves along. Who is friend, who is foe...and when will the pods stick their disgusting little tentacles into the…

Popular reviews

  • Twisters



    2nd cinematic outing for the year.

    The most mesmerising meteorological gobbledygook since 1996. The not-quite-a-sequel is great fun keeping you hooked, with freakishly beautiful people chasing beautifully freakish weather. The most unrealistic aspect for 2024 was the real money exchanging hands as tips or payment.

  • The Matrix

    The Matrix


    No. 13 of #Countdown200 (2021)


    I can't recall any other movie that I had to rewatch about five times before I had the foggiest over WTF was happening. Entertainment that grabbed you in your grey stuff and shook.