Through the Fire

Through the Fire

Released by Vinegar Syndome on Blu-ray under its original "Through the Fire" title.

Imagine renting this on VHS back in the day under the Gates of Hell 2 title and expecting a sequel to the Lucio Fulci directed classic "The Gates of Hell" or "City of the Living Dead (1980)" as it is more widely known.
You'd be in for a huge disappointment as this was a mostly boring story of a girl hiring a cop to find her sister who's kidnapped by inept devil worshippers.

It becomes very dull really fast with our main protagonists going from one drawn-out interogation sequence to the next. Director Gary Marcum claimed on the Blu-ray extras that he's not interested in horror and just wanted to shoot some action shootout sequences. Well, there were a couple of moments where that happened, but it's fairly unexciting, not even working on a so-bad-it's-good-level.

Considering the special effects budget was $6000, there was a pretty cool transformation animatronic head near the end and some cool throat gashes, if you're still awake by the time that pops up. The kills were off screen with lame cutaways and lazy blood splatter against the wall. And a frozen cat in the freezer where the cop gave the most hilarious line of dialogue in the film: "Oh, it's just a cat in the fridge."
Where the girl replies: "It's my cat, you asshole!"

There were some dry humorous moments, like when the devil worshippers perform a seance on a ouija board where the board spells: Ex 22:20.
One of them replies: "Ex 22:20, what does that mean!?", where the spirit angrily responds by throwing a bible at his head.

It had five minutes of worthwhile bits and 82 minutes of yawn-inducing filler.

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