god I fucking love horror movies
(and some other stuff don’t worry about it)
This movie had me cracking up. Never did I know what was going to happen next. Pure gold
What even happens in this movie other than objectifying women and five minute long scenes where nothing happens?
Stupid message that has been done before AND BETTER might I add. Dare I say this is as shitty as Rabid. Don’t understand how this is popular in the horror genre
A lot of thoughts.
I liked the first twenty-ish minutes of it but it fell VERY FLAT VERY FAST. Which is so sad because low key this was the most anticipated horror movie of 2025 for me soooo like.
Some of the acting is bad… especially that one bully character. I don’t know how much I care for the story? You can tell that the writing was rushed and things happen that make no sense. Like, there wasn’t enough time…