I like pictures, except when I don't.
"Life is Absurd."
- That French Guy
Ain't no party like a 50's pool party.
(Watched w/Callum)
I got just over an hour in until my family came back from holiday and I wanted to wait till they had gone to sleep and turned their TV's off to keep up the silence I started the film with. Whilst waiting for this and debating how to go forth I fell asleep and woke up hours later at 4:45 AM. So naturally instead of going back to sleep I decide to finish the film. Watching it on my tv…
"Will somebody please turn off that hideous noise, I can't think!"
Me when the music kept playing excruciatingly loud over the dialogue:
My planned drunk movie night turned into falling asleep during the last 10 minutes of After Hours, not even 1 film in. But I really enjoyed it this time. Could've been the alcohol, could've been the tiredness, but I hope not and actually don't think so.
There was something holding me back on other watches that I can't quite explain that wasn't there this time. I think after 24 hours of a few different inconveniences, my motivation to rewatch this…