“Do not be sorry, be better”-Kratos God of War 2018
“No”🗿 Kratos
Wow. My first David Fincher film and dang was it good. It was so interesting seeing all the crime scenes and trying to figure out the mystery of it all. John Doe was a very creepy villain. How calm he was. But this is definitely one I’ll watch again for new details. What’s in the box??
Jesus right before The Ascenion:I’ll be back😎😎
This was a classic sci-fi movie. I had a very strong feeling that Reese was the father to Sarah’s son. Sarah is basically kinda like Ripley from Alien. Epic female main character that kills the villain right at the end. If the Terminator had killed the right Sarah Connor at the beginning this would’ve been a very short movie
Couldn’t even finish it. It was either this or Across the Spiderverse and my dad chose this