This hit a lot harder when I was 15 and wasn’t allowed to see it.
Jew jokes were funny and Kyle’s mom song is a classic
This hit a lot harder when I was 15 and wasn’t allowed to see it.
Jew jokes were funny and Kyle’s mom song is a classic
A little undecided about this. Definitely not my favourite Coen Brothers movie and I feel like the hype of it being a must watch hurt my reception more than anything else. Not bad by any stretch but just wasn’t blown away. Maybe people see something I didn’t on the first watch.
Active chronicle of my thoughts watching this:
Zoe Saldana is great but I don’t think she can carry this.
How would you explain this hospital dance number to even the most tame MAGA supporter?
Why was this directed by a 70 year old white Frenchman?
Why is this so superficial?
Does her feelings towards her actions change with her sex? How does that make sense?
There’s not a single scene in this movie that warrants a song.
The music makes…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
I thoroughly dislike this movie. So much so in fact that I believe that Mary Shelley would detest most aspects of how this movie interprets her text.
For starters, the creature is monstrous in a way that make him void of any sympathy and humanity. His brain being from a subject who was murderous and depraved is a giant middle finger to one of the central themes of the novel which is “Are we born evil or nurtured into it?”.…