

Favorite films

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  • Baby Driver
  • Leave No Trace

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  • Evangelion: Death (True)²




  • Léon: The Professional


  • Chicuarotes


Recent reviews

  • Evangelion: Death (True)²

    Evangelion: Death (True)²


    A lot of flashbacks and reveals that are shown later in the anime are shown at the beginning here so that we're not so lost during the movie. It's essentially a supercut recap of the anime which should be watched instead of this. Very skippable but not bad. Elevator scene is just as long.




    Gets quite repetitive although I guess it is trying to show the cycle they live. The ending comes out of nowhere in a bad way. Akiko does her job to be a detestable human at the beginning but after that it just gets tiring to see that she's just doing the same thing. Great watch if you want to be mad for the first half and bored for the second. Can't believe Ryo emoted on Akiko.

Popular reviews

  • Chicuarotes



    Una película simple y corta que no deja mucho que pensar pero si mucho que sentir. Momentos de suspenso, risas, tristeza, que al final son mas un montaje de eventos que una historia cohesiva. A veces el audio se escucha como doblaje aunque esto puede ser por la version que yo he visto, aun así en general agradable.

  • Léon: The Professional

    Léon: The Professional


    Very engaging story that doesn't lose focus. Great action and acting. Questionable relationship between Leon and Mathilda.
