hyeristorm’s review published on Letterboxd:
What a wholesome movie! ♥️
This is not your average Twitch stream nor your usual Grand Theft Auto experience either. It’s the story of two mates, out of work during the blasted pandemic, and their production of Hamlet via yours truly, GTA Online. It’s not as barmy as it sounds, and there’s a lot of heart to this one. This is a tale of how Grand Theft Hamlet was birthed from creativity and connection. It’s as Shakespearean as it gets, a bittersweet reflection on a black hole of a time lost in our lives. GTH is poignant, stirring a reminder of lockdown blues, when screen-based interactions became the norm. I liked how it wasn’t a bleak look back, but more of a “this is what it was like” tap back. The true-to-mic recordings at various qualities reinforced the authenticity for me—no one’s sounds are at the same level of crispness in virtual calls! Once I got to know the GTH gang, I felt like part of their crew, and it captured what it’s like to game with my mates too. It’s heartwarming to see how art prevailed in a time of huge uncertainty! There are a couple of dramatised moments, but it does not detract from it being a profound piece of work.
A shoutout to the alien 👽, the virtual club gathering at the end, and here’s to more of these unique-feeling, creative flicks!
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