

My friend told me to try journaling, I did this instead

Favorite films

  • Pitch Perfect
  • Over the Garden Wall
  • Inside Llewyn Davis

Recent activity

  • Inside Llewyn Davis


  • Mary Shelley's Frankenstein


  • Over the Garden Wall


  • Coraline


Recent reviews

  • Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

    Mary Shelley's Frankenstein


    Cousins, siblings? Both? More! This version of Frankenstein is fine, I watched chunks of it in class as we read the book, but I also was gone for like five days so I couldn’t tell you everything that happened. The guy who plays victor is hot AND his best friend is cute so you can watch it for that if you want. Would’ve liked it more if Victor didn’t refuse to take responsibility for his actions. Elizabeth needs to calm down and think about things a little more. Maybe this is why you don’t participate in incest Elizabeth.

  • Over the Garden Wall

    Over the Garden Wall


    Words cannot describe how much I love this. I would write a long review, but it still wouldn’t be good enough. Also Elijah Wood is in it. That is all.

Popular reviews

  • Lake Mungo

    Lake Mungo


    Really good film! It pulls you in and the movie is great at building tension (the sweeping shots are very creepy). A perfect one to watch with your friends and talk about after. Make sure to stick around for the end credits. Personally, I didn’t think it was super scary (still was scary tho!!), but then again I did watch it with my lights on while eating Candy. I don’t know why candy was capitalized, but I’ll keep it. Anyway…

  • Coraline



    This movie is so so SO incredible. The stop motion captivates me every time along with the story and dialogue. It DID terrify me as child, but I’m a big girl now and am no longer freaked out by it. That being said……the spiderweb scene still makes me tense up and I always wanna look away even though I KNOW HOW IT ENDS! Anyway. Go give this movie a rewatch (because the only reason you wouldn’t have seen it yet is if you are under five, in which case you couldn’t read this review of me telling you to rewatch it anyway).