
zoe⏳ Patron

Favorite films

  • Cure
  • The Silence of the Lambs
  • Rocco and His Brothers
  • Pulse

Recent activity

  • Point Break


  • Mickey 17


  • Harakiri


  • After the Wedding


Pinned reviews

  • Blade Runner

    Blade Runner


    Blade Runner (The Final Cut) is the chef-d’oeuvre of the science fiction genre.

    Most sci-fi movies are unable to establish the vital connection between the creator and the creation; their detachment from our current time often crosses a threshold that makes it difficult for them to create an existential depth that is relevant to humanity right now. But the Blade Runner’s harmonically beautiful synchronization between the elements that reside in our current world and the possible futuristic world we await…

  • Cure



    The phenomena of Cure doesn’t hail from any distinct monstrosity. Franco Moretti’s “Dialectic of Fear” is an exploration of a similar vein: a Marxist read of Frankenstein that describes the perpetual monstrosity of the wage-labour relation, tearing away the idea of the “social construct” as a disembodied concept. Cure adopts this same idea—the explicit byproduct guaranteed from implicit thought. 

    Through Mamiya, the film substantiates that there exists no single perpetrator responsible for these murders despite the sequentiality of their nature.…

Recent reviews

  • The Hunt

    The Hunt


    we lie, and we lie often. 

    what we don’t understand is that it only takes one lie. 

    When we confront social transgressions, we discover that humans have a hunger for incriminating others—it is a craving that surpasses the protective allure of “us” and “them” rhetoric. There is an undeniable catharsis in bearing responsibility for another’s downfall. 

    But there is one individual who is external to this—The Father and The Friend. He is expected to protect Klara at all costs, yet…

  • Us



    We first confront our double in the mirror, where it watches us back. 

    In our reflection we see a figure to identify with, but also an “other” to alienate. We begin to feel uncanny towards this other entity. We no longer encounter the double. We face the doppelgänger.

    Lacan’s mirror stage suggests that when a child recognizes itself in the mirror, it forms an imago—an entity that is both part of and external to the child’s body. The imago represents…

Popular reviews

  • Donnie Darko

    Donnie Darko


    This is my favorite film. 

    For the longest time, I deliberately avoided writing about this. I didn’t want my love for it to be defined by a single review—as if my memory of it now would become a permanent stain that I would grimace at in later years. But, akin to the film’s exposition, this composition is but a modest fragment of a much larger timeline. 

    This film taught me so much about being a teen. I’m so tired of…

  • Blade Runner 2049

    Blade Runner 2049


    Whereas Gaff’s unicorn was early for its time because Gaff was progressive towards the Replicant cause, (he demonstrated human progress by exhibiting morality, sympathy) K’s horse is almost too late: K is so fixated on the part of himself that feels human, that by the time he realizes he desires mortality he cannot have it—rather than seek to progress, he becomes dully aware of the limitations in his genetic identity, just like Batty.

    If I was to criticize 2049 for…