Dan Finn

Dan Finn Pro

I like 80s movies. I'm generally pretty forgiving in my reviews.

Favorite films

  • Real Genius
  • Shakedown
  • Night Shift
  • Innerspace

Recent activity

  • Wish


  • Electric Dreams


  • Peter Pan

  • American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt


Recent reviews

  • Wish



    There's a better movie in here somewhere. A bunch of stuff just sort of happens, and they don't do enough world building. All the action stuff was fine, there just needed to be less of it, and it should have been left until the very end.

    The route I would have gone would be way more time spent with Asha and her friends and family, and then have one of the friends turn 18 and give up their wish and then show what they lose in doing so. And then from there do all the stuff about Asha being an apprentice and whatnot.

  • Electric Dreams

    Electric Dreams


    Lenny Von Dohlen sort of looks like Matt McCoy but talks like David Schwimmer so that's cool. Virginia Madsen is amazing, of course. Bud Cort though is the best as the voice of the computer. Bonus points for an amazing soundtrack.

Popular reviews

  • Slipstream



    There's a scene in which Mark Hamill throws a poison dart at a guy then says "poison dart" and it's just the greatest.

  • The Zoo Gang

    The Zoo Gang


    You have to give 5 stars to a movie about a bunch of kids that run their own night club that they rent from an old alcoholic former pro-wrestler nicknamed Leatherface. Oh yeah, and the villain is Jackie Earle Haley dressed up to look like a mini Dee Snider. And then Jason Gedric plays a stoic drifter who always wears a bandana tied around his neck. And there's also a 10-year-old named Ricky who smokes cigarettes and talks about sex…
