APPARENTLY y’all think it’s FUNNY to TAKE BETS about whether i was going to COME OUT OF THE THEATER CRYING or not.
anyway congrats on your win misty
APPARENTLY y’all think it’s FUNNY to TAKE BETS about whether i was going to COME OUT OF THE THEATER CRYING or not.
anyway congrats on your win misty
"Feminist activist Gloria Steinem was among those opposed to Ellis' book because of its portrayal of violence toward women. Steinem is the stepmother of Christian Bale, who played Bateman in the film."
normal doctor's visit for someone with ehlers-danlos syndrome
"what do you think?"
a handbook on helping your peers realize their collective power through just asking them the right questions to guide them to make their own rational judgements. people are taught their wisdom doesn't matter, and we have to provide that counternarrative, and it has to begin through asking questions that cast doubt unto the power of the status quo, redelegating power from the system we are trained to have faith in, back to the only thing that…
so i finally counted and benny says the word "babe" as a noun, adjective, and verb a total of 10 times in the first 40 mins which averages out to 4 times every 10 minutes which is impressive considering he only has the third most amount of lines in the movie and there are still subplots among 9 other characters