Rating system:
★★★★★ Excellent
★★★★ Great
★★★ Decent
★★ Disliked
★ Terrible
Phenomenal lead actresses. The use of darkness and cramped (and often wet!) spaces perfectly paired with the sinking feeling I felt through the whole movie. Genuinely revolting and outrage-inducing despite very little direct conflict or on-screen violence. The movie has a lot to say about patriarchy, class, and families — and it does it effectively and economically. Also: the ending is so good!
Amazing music from Perfume Genius, lovely vibes and imagery too. What holds the movie back is a lackluster plot and an odd disconnection from the world it is depicting. Rather than lean fully into the dreamlike qualities of the movie’s beginning, or some of the tension from the midpoint, the movie’s plot meanders around a love triangle and low-stakes (and confusingly resolved) family tension. Even when characters are in nominally dire straits, the stakes feel low — an odd choice…