You know those moments when you pick a random movie from a list to watch based solely on the title/poster, and you turn out to absolutely love it? This was one of those times for me.
Wholesome, strangely nostalgia-inducing watch. Would watch again.
You know those moments when you pick a random movie from a list to watch based solely on the title/poster, and you turn out to absolutely love it? This was one of those times for me.
Wholesome, strangely nostalgia-inducing watch. Would watch again.
Watched it in the theatres for the first time, and I remembered why it’s my all time fave movie. It was as gripping as the first time.
Huh, an indie vampire movie. I enjoyed this way more than I should have. The witty dialogues, characters with actual depth(solid performances by Swinton and Hiddleston), and the gloomy(yet comfy) atmosphere - I won’t be surprised if I end up rewatching this again soon, it’s just such an enjoyable ride.